Get set up to take credit and debit cards at your medical marijuana dispensary in Montana today!
About The Program
Copyright © 2015 The Transaction Group
Accept Debit & Credit Cards!
Fast & Easy Approvals!
No Processing Fees!
The Transaction Group (TTG) and our banking partners have been offering credit card processing solutions to Montana medical marijuana dispensaries since 2010. In anticipation of the changes in credit card industry relating to mmj, we began to offer an alternative method dispensaries to accept credit cards.
After July 2012, medical marijuana dispensaries in Montana had no way to process credit cards unless that had implemented this alternative solution. MMJ dispensary owners and patients had no choice but to complete each transaction on a cash-only basis.
Dispensaries that have set up the program continue to enjoy savings over the previous solution, in which the rates were as high as 5%. Cards are swiped through a terminal just like a typical transaction, but there are no processing fees. This program operates simply on a low monthly service charge for the dealer, and a low convenience fee for the patient.